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Content Management Systems (CMS)

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system sounds a lot more complicated than it is, but basically, a content management system (CMS) allows you to keep control of your own websites content without having to worry about coding or programming or worrying about how things look. A CMS will let you add images, text, videos, maps, forms and hundreds of other things in seconds making your website look fantastic in front of your users.

Unleash the power of Concrete5

Concrete5 is a fantastic open source CMS platform. Purple Prince have worked with the company behind Concrete5 for many years and have gained official partnership status with Concrete5. This means we have a close working relationship with the platform and have sat exams to prove we are delivering the best solutions to our customers.

Concrete5 changes the way you work with your website, rather than logging into an admin area and managing your pages through an admin screen you are able to work directly on the page as your users will see your website. You simply just click components and drag them onto the page, once you are happy just publish the page and your changes go live .. its so easy and our customers love it!

What about Wordpress?

Wordpress is very popular and is used all over the internet ... however, the way it has been built is intended for it to be a blog platform and not a content management system. Over the years people have tried to turn it into a content management system and even and e-commerce platform but neither really stands up to a dedicated e-commerce platform or a content management system.

It has a lot of security issues and so many compatibility problems it causes a lot of problems for developers and users. It's also very old fashioned and doesn't work with a lot of the newer technology available today.

For this reason, we would always recommend our customers to use Concrete5 over Wordpress. However, we do have developers able to work with Wordpress.


Video about Concrete5

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"Purple Prince have been efficient and proactive in meeting all our deadlines. And there support on our commercial issues has added value to Screentec. I look forward to many more years working together "

Chris Malpus, Director of Screentec Ltd

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