01952 277 722

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Google is a search engine it crawls the internet with special robots known as "spiders" these spiders crawl over the internet looking at every page and working out how relevant it is to people's search criteria. SEO is the art of increasing the readability of your website by these spiders. Google release guidelines on what your website should be doing to build rankings on Google.

Failure to follow these guidelines can result in your website loosing rankings or even falling of Google altogether.

So all I need to do is follow the guides and I'm top of Google?

Not exactly, as you are competing for the top spot with your competitors, there is no 100% guarneteed way to get to the top of Google. Even when you are perfectly optimised Google does'nt make things easy as every once in a while they release a new set of rules, pretty much moving the goal posts. They want consistency and to make things fair for all websites in the same industry. Cheating the system is likley to have a negative impact on your website.

It's important you follow these guidelines to keep your website in its top spot on Google.


Managed SEO

As standard when we build a website we build the website to the best practices that Google recommend. However as time goes on and Google move the goal posts we have to keep on top of this. Our managed SEO service keeps our SEO experts looking at your every few weeks to ensure its doing everythign it can to hold onto its top spot.

Call our SEO team on 01952 277 722 to see how we can help you.


Organic SEO vs Paid SEO

Organic SEO is the art of modifying your website to Googles best practices to help build up the rankings on Google without paying anything.

However there is an alternative using a system known as Google Adwords. This is basically where you bid on a search term for example "Plumbers in Telford" at 5p per click. Sometimes when people search for that term your website will come up at the top. The differece being that if a customer clicks you then it will cost you 5p.

Click here to find out about our Google Adwords management.

Become SEO Optimised

Please fill out the short form below and one of our team will call you back as soon as possible.


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