01952 277 722

Facebook Advertising

Get your business on Facebook

Facebook isn't just a platform for sharing a picture of last nights meal or watching cats doing funny things. It's also a really powerful marketing tool.

Facebook holds a lot of information about people, you may be shocked by just how much Facebook actually knows about you, however, this is great for marketers.

Using this information Facebook allows you to create an advert and target your advert to the people who would be most interested, by using age group, interests, job title etc.



Let us manage it for you ...

Let Purple Prince create and manage your Facebook business for you.

For a small monthly fee, we are able to create your page, create graphic design, create monthly posts, work on advertising campaigns and provide you with reports on how well you are doing.

Facebook can bring business to you, don't get left behind!


Find out more about our social media packages

"Purple Prince are fantastic to work with. Our company has a busy multi-channel and multi-country e-commerce website - James and his team have a straightforward approach combined with deep technical knowledge that has given solutions to every problem we have thrown at them. I'm happy to recommend them to anyone that wants to take their online presence to the next level."

Tom Coulter, Director of Couture Kingdom UK and Zentosa Ltd

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