01952 277 722

Ditch the Spreadsheets

Does your business systems run on Excel spreadsheets?

You are not alone 3 in every 10 companies use Excel to run there own business processes. We have seen it used for some crazy purposes. We've also seen the nightmare when data becomes corrupt or someone has accidentally entered a figure into the wrong cell and can't remember what they did!

Working in excel to run an entire business process is very dangerous, Excel isn't designed to run a process it's a spreadsheet system designed to crunch numbers and create formulas to assist in basic tasks. If you are using Excel you really need to speak to our team about have some bespoke software created to take over the job fo the Excel spreadsheet.

Unlike actual bespoke software, It has very little to ensure data integrity, backup, and disaster recovery. It's highly prone to misentered data and over the years we have seen countless companies contact us because they've lost data. Your business data should be held in a proper database with proper backup and recovery solutions. 

Bespoke software is expensive...

Don't worry, we appreciate in today's day and age companies don't have huge budgets for software, hence why you are using Excel. 

Bespoke software can be surprisingly cheap, In fact, it can even save you money. As a very wise saying says, "time is money" its very true and bespoke software can free up so many hours and show you just how much of your business can become an automated process and not reliant on human intervention.

Click here to find out more about our bespoke software solutions.

Turn your spreadsheet into software

Our developers will take your spreadsheet and work out the exact functionality used. We will then discuss the requirements with you directly to improve the quality of the system and add in the bits you couldn't get into Excel, You will be amazed how easily we can make things "work".

From this point, your excel spreadsheet is well on the way to becoming a perfectly working custom application ready to take over from your spreadsheet.

Ready to ditch the spreadsheets?

Please fill out the short form below and one of our team will call you back as soon as possible.


"Purple Prince are fantastic to work with. Our company has a busy multi-channel and multi-country e-commerce website - James and his team have a straightforward approach combined with deep technical knowledge that has given solutions to every problem we have thrown at them. I'm happy to recommend them to anyone that wants to take their online presence to the next level."

Tom Coulter, Director of Couture Kingdom UK and Zentosa Ltd

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