01952 277 722

SSL Certificates

Be secure, be protected by SSL!

Have you ever been on a website that doesn't look secure, but then you look at the address bar and see a little green padlock, suddenly you feel a lot safer and protected? This padlock icon is because the website has been protected by an SSL certificate.

It's a great way to show customers you are secure and genuine, and as of early this year Google now recommends all websites should be protected by an SSL certificate, so if your Google ranks are important to you then you should definitely follow this advice and become SSL protected.

How does SSL Work?

SSL works using an encryption system. Sites that dont run on HTTPS (Secure) and run on HTTP (Standard) all the data is sent from the server to the website visitor is plain and not encrypted. Potentially this allows anyone to intercept this information and cause problems.

SSL (HTTPS) transmits it data from the server to your website visitor using very strongly encrypyted messages, this means the data is all encrypted and the only way to decrypt is to be the person who requested the webpage.

It gets a lot more complicated than this, but simplifying it thats how it works.

SSL is very secure and we recommend all websites should use it.

How do i get an SSL Certificate?

There is a process to obtain an SSL certifcate, luckily Purple Prince can offer you an SSL certificate for FREE through our SSL provider.

However we do charge a management fee of £110 per year to maintain your SSL certicate and ensure its renewed and validated.

To have one of our team call you about an SSL certificate, please fill out the form below and one of our team will call you back.


"Purple Prince have been efficient and proactive in meeting all our deadlines. And there support on our commercial issues has added value to Screentec. I look forward to many more years working together "

Chris Malpus, Director of Screentec Ltd

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